Nicaragua Brix Breaker

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Blackberry, Red Apple, Candied Plum

Roast Level_Light Medium
Indulge in the ultimate coffee experience with Nicaragua Brix Breaker. This coffee defies expectations, delivering the alluring flavors of an Ethiopian or Kenyan brew. A perfect gift for the holiday season, the Brix Breaker boasts an abundance of fruity and sugary notes, thanks to its unique Pacamara variety and natural processing. The result is a cup that is bursting with sweetness and complexity - and no, we didn't add any sugar!

Coffee Details 

  • Origin: Jinotega, Nicaragua
  • Producer: Gold Mountain Coffee Growers
  • Variety: Red and Yellow Pacamara
  • Process: Natural
  • Elevation: 1,300 - 1,500 meters

Farm to Shore: “The Story Behind the Cup”

Discover the remarkable impact of our direct relationship coffee from Gold Mountain Coffee Growers. Our dedicated friends on the farm work tirelessly to provide an unmatched cup of coffee for you. With the use of a refractometer, they meticulously measure the sugar content of each cherry during harvest to ensure optimum ripeness, resulting in the internationally acclaimed Brix Breaker coffee. Grown from the rare and sought-after Red and Yellow Pacamara varieties, these cherries reach high levels of sugar, "breaking" the Brix scale and redefining the standards for exceptional coffee. The end result is an award-winning coffee that tantalizes the senses with its exquisite flavors. 

These large Red and Yellow Pacamara cherries are processed naturally, intensifying their fruit flavors. As they are dried, the beans absorb even more fruitiness and sugar, creating a unique and unparalleled flavor profile. When lightly to medium roasted, the coffee unleashes a delicate sweetness. The coffee has a crisp apple sweet-toned acidity, a richly sweet structure and a tea-like, smooth body. The finish is quick, but the sweetness carries through to the end and lingers as the cup cools. We taste ripe blackberries, red apple, velvety chocolate and hints of sugared plum.

If you are looking for a unique, special coffee to try for the holidays, this one is absolutely worth adding a bag (or two!) to your coffee loving friends gift list.